Aus einer Evaluationsstudie (1997) zu den Einflussmöglichkeiten der Alexander-Technik auf den Krankheitsverlauf bei Parkinson-Patienten:
RESULTS: Post-lessons the subjects were significantly (p less than 0.05) less depressed. They had a significantly more positive body concept and had significantly less difficulty in performing daily activities, and significantly less difficulty on the fine movement and gross movement subscales of the activities in daily living questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: The statistically significant results are consistent with the hypothesis that for PD patients on drug therapy, the Alexander Technique reduces depression and improves the management of disability, but in the absence of a control group and a larger sample, they cannot be said to confirm the hypothesis. The likelihood of the AT being effective in the management of disability for many PD patients, as shown in this study, makes further controlled research desirable.
Ergebnisse der Untersuchung: Depression vermindert, Körperbild (body concept) verbessert, weniger Schwierigkeiten im fein- und grobmotorischen Bereich. Die Ergebnisse sind signifikant (p kleiner als 0.05), das Kollektiv (7 Patienten) für eine gesicherte Aussage allerdings zu klein. Weitere kontrollierte Forschungen sind zu wünschen.
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