Dan Armon: In Present

The Alexander Technique proposes that if you have an end to reach, gaining it will evoke a habitual reaction in you, which will cause you to reach your end in a wrong manner.
In order to change your reaction, the technique suggests that you stop on the way towards that end, putting it aside, almost out of your mind.
Then to give the directions for another use of yourself and then continue towards your end.
How is it possible though to put your end out of your mind and still keep on to it?
The more the end is out of my mind, the more my inhibition becomes more real. But how is this possible when I still want to reach my end?
This becomes possible only when the end stops being an end and becomes an aim.
An end closes one's horizon as if there is nothing after it, the future then becoming a destructive element.
An aim though is simply one station along your way.
Your way is timeless.
It is there in each moment.
In the present.